Rental Lengths are 3 Months, 6 Months, or 12 Months.

1. Rental of Space:

Spaces are available on a first-come first-serve basis. Spaces will be assigned upon the signing of a rental agreement and payment of first months rent. Spaces will not be held for future rentals without signed agreement and payment.

No assignment or sublease. The Merchant may not sublease the property or assign this lease.

2. Rent Payments:

Rent is due on the First of every month. Any rent that is not paid in full after 7 days is considered late and will be subject to a late fee of $25 a week. If rent is past due, Merchants may not remove any items from the sales floor, and any sales proceeds will be applied to rents due. After 60 days of non-payment, all items in the Merchants booth are considered abandoned, and S&Y Asset Management Inc. and Time Again Consignment have the right to sell these items to recoup the costs due from the Merchant.

3. Fees:

5% commission on all sales.

4. Booth Setup and Maintenance:

Delivery of merchandise must be done during open hours or by appointment. Arrangements can be made at our front desk.

Any “props” (Displays, Mannequins, etc.) or items that are not for sale inside of a Merchants booth must be clearly marked as such.

If a Merchant brings in a case that has a lock on it, the Merchant must provide 2 copies of the key for that case to Time Again Consignment. If a Merchant brings in a case that requires a lock, a lock will be provided for you by Time Again Consignment.

All Merchants are required to keep their booth(s) and case(s) both clean and vacuumed. A vacuum is available at the front desk for Merchants to use. Merchants are asked to please empty and return the vacuum in the state they borrowed it in when returning it.

If extension cables are needed, they must be a surge-protector style as per state fire safety guidelines. No homemade extension cables may be used as they are deemed a fire hazard. No plugs, cords, or wires may be placed around corners, over the tops of a booth, or anywhere that they may be deemed hazardous.

For the security of your items and in order to maintain line of sight with our security system, no signage, banners, or awnings may be posted without approval of Time Again Consignment.

All fire exits and fire extinguishers must be kept clear and visible at all times!

Merchants are responsible for any and all damages caused by Merchant to property of S&Y Asset Management Inc, Auction Time Bid Board, Time Again Consignment, or other Merchants during setup, maintenance, or removal of their items.

5. Quality of Merchandise:

All items brought in for sale must be “stand” or “showcase” ready, meaning they must be clean and finished. No incomplete projects, items that are dirty, moldy, have offensive odors, or contain insects (ie: beehives which still contain the bees).

All items must be free and clear of any liens or encumbrances and the Merchant has complete title and right to sell the items, whereby waiving S&Y Asset Management Inc. and Time Again Consignment of any legal actions that may arise.

Any items that are upholstered will have an additional fee as they must be fumigated as per Pennsylvania State law before entering Time Again Consignment. Fees for upholstery fumigation are posted at our front counter and must be paid at time of delivery.

6. Item Restrictions:

Time Again Consignment does not permit the sale of the following items:

  • X-Rated Items

  • Medical Equipment (Blood Pressure Monitors, Diabetes Testers, Heart Rate Monitors, Etc.)

  • Baby/Infant/Toddler Items (Strollers, Car Seats, Cribs, Cradles, Etc.)

  • Firearms

  • Fireworks, or Highly Flammable Items

  • Items that are Moldy, Dirty, Ripped/Torn, Broken, Stained, Obsolete, or have Offensive Odors

  • Items that are deemed “Offensive” or of questionable legality

  • Reproduction or Counterfeit Items (ie: Counterfeit Rolex Watch or Designer Purse, etc.)

  • Alcohol

  • Tires

  • Any item priced under $5

  • Gas Powered Items/Items containing Fuel

  • Animal Mounts (Due to Pennsylvania State Law). Any Pelts, Furs, Skins, or Mounts of endangered animals or migratory birds are prohibited by law and will not be allowed for sale. Should a merchant bring one in for sale, they will be held accountable for any and all fines or repercussions.

Any items that violate these rules may be refused by S&Y Asset Management Inc. and Time Again Consignment at any time, and will be removed from the sales floor effective immediately.

The following items must be contained within a locked case:

  • Knives or Swords

  • Coins or Jewelry

  • Ammunition

7. Tagging of Items:

To preserve the accuracy of our inventory, Time Again Consignment uses an online system for inventorying all items. Merchants will be given their own login information so that they may quickly and easily inventory their own items with us, even from the comfort of their own home using their computer or smart phone! Once items are inventoried, they must be given their corresponding barcode label (labels are available at our front counter). There will be a $0.05 charge per barcode label payable at time of printing. If the merchant wishes to change the price of their item(s), they may do so at any time within our system, and this will not require a new label as they may write on the existing label. If a Merchant does not have access at home to a computer, smart phone, or internet there will be a computer available for use by Merchants to inventory their items at our front desk.

Time Again Consignment & Auction Time Bid Board are not responsible for moving any large or heavy items. If assistance is required, it is up to the Merchant to bring assistance to move the item(s). Merchants are liable for any damages caused to property of S&Y Asset Management Inc. or other Merchants.

Any items that are tagged deceptively will be removed from the sales floor, and Merchants will receive one written warning. If a Merchant repeatedly tags items deceptively Time Again Consignment holds the sole right to terminate the Agreement with the Merchant effective immediately.

8. Merchant Payment:

Merchant checks will be calculated from the first day of the month to the last day of the month and will be written on the 5th day of the following month. Checks will be available for pick up on the next open business day. Any monies due to Time Again Consignment will be deducted from the Merchant payment (including commissions and unpaid rents).

Checks are good for 120 days from the issue date. After 120 days, a replacement check may be issued upon the return of the original, outdated check. In the case of a lost check, Time Again Consignment will issue a replacement check, but the Merchant will be responsible for all stop payment fees that may arise. Starting one year from the date of issue, an administration fee of $5 per month will be deducted from the check.

9. Item Loss:

Time Again Consignment has a brand new digital security system placed around the facility to prevent or capture any loss or damage of item(s). Time Again Consignment is not liable for loss of merchandise, personal belongings, structures, or property due to fire, theft, loss, or damage.

Merchants are recommended to have an insurance policy for the value of their items in case of loss of merchandise. Merchants are also recommended to have liability insurance should someone get injured while looking in their booth, or injured while using an item they purchased from the Merchant.

10. Behavior Guidelines

Any abusive or malicious behavior towards customers, merchants, or S&Y Asset Management Inc. personnel will not be tolerated, and will result in immediate expulsion from the property, immediate termination of rental agreement, and non-renewal of rental agreement. Final decisions are at the sole discretion of Time Again Consignment Management.

11. Misc:

Terms and conditions of this Agreement are subject to change. Any changes will be posted for 30 days before going into effect. If the Merchant does not agree to any of the changes to this Agreement, the Agreement between the Merchant and Time Again Consignment may be voided at the request of the Merchant.